Ok, so I had to put these pictures up before my sisters do because they are so much better updating their blog than I am. I had an awesome weekend! I went home to have dinner with all of my friends and I can't tell you how much I have missed that! I was able to see all of my closes friends, and especially Kelly and Danielle who are also pregnant, and due in August too! I totally forgot to take pictures of the three of us, so that was a bummer. I will so do it next time.
By the way I think I felt my baby move today......but I can't tell. It was different...it made me smile!
You win!! you beat me to uploading the pic! lol!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend! Love sister weekends!
I think we're the only ones that read each other's blogs! HAHAH!!! Oh well, I'm just glad I get to see precious pictures like this one! I'm very very sad I'm missing sisters' weekend!! I love you both, mucho mucho! Eat lots of cookies for me.
Love the black and white pic! Beautiful!
More! More! From the Bagbys! I love reading your blogs. Jessica, Share! I love you - Mom
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