We love to sleep!
Okay.... so my sister Jacque called me and asked me to post some pics of Sophie. I took some yesterday and today, and was able to capture her smiling. She just started to smile about 2 weeks ago, and Ty and I are on cloud nine!! She makes us laugh everyday and we are so taken by how much she is changing as time passes. Sometimes we think it passes too fast. We have only had her for 10 weeks and yet it seems like just yesterday we brought her home.
Notice I tried to mess her hair up to look like her cousin Emilia, so that she doesn't feel like the only one.
As I sit here posting these pictures I have so many things going through my head. Ty and I are going through a rough time, but regardless we are constantly laughing, plus we know that we could have it a million times worse. I had experienced a moment in my life when I was looking on the outside in. I watched my sister Luci and her husband Chris go through the most difficult time a parent could possibly go through. It was from them that I learned how to be selfless with my own baby girl. They have allowed me to see life in such a different perspective, and treasure each day that we have.
Hope and Grace are constantly on my mind. Every time Sophie looks into space and starts to smile, I ask her if the girls are with her playing. I am a different person because of my two little nieces Hope and Grace, as well as my own little girl Sophia. As the girls play joyfully in heaven my heart is still heavy and I miss them deeply. I know my sister misses them each and everyday as well. There isn't a day that goes by that I am humble for what I have, and grateful that Sophie has the two most wonderful God parents EVER!
Anyways, I suppose they are with me now, because I felt the need to talk about them.
Well I hope you are now happy Jacque.... I finally posted some pictures. I am having a great day today and hope to have a good cold weekend snuggling.
i'm so happppyyyyyy!!!! i told you that i was going to dust, but I've been staring at these pics! i love her so much! when y'all are snuggling give her some extra big smooches from auntie. mwaaaaaa!!!
Thanks for the post jess. I love the pics, and the thoughts on Hopie and Gracie. The Klare fam misses the bagby's! We love you!
Jessic and Ty, she is so beautiful. Want to hold her. Please come home to see us. Love, Mom
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