It has been such an incredible time in my life. I have never been so happy before. It seems as if I have been blessed a million times over, and yet I don't know what I have done to deserve such joy.
On August 6th I had a doctors appointment to have a simple check up. I was hoping to get good news, but instead they told me that there wasn't any change. I was disappointed, but knew I only had one week until Sophia's due date. I went grocery shopping and then went home. I laid down for a nap and fell asleep. When I woke up I just laid there trying to come alive out of a deep short sleep. Then I felt it. My water broke. I called for Ty, and amazingly enough we were both calm. But I was so confused, and wasn't for sure that it really happened. I wasn't having contractions, and it was nothing like I saw in the movies. So we went to the hospital, and sure enough that was the beginning of my labor. It was 8pm.
Everything seem to be going so fast. I knew my mom and sister were on the way to Ashland, and Ty's parents were there soon after I was admitted. Time flew by, and I felt as if I was in a dream. I kept thinking, 'Is this really happening to me?'
It wasn't until the next day, August 7th, that baby Sophie decided to grace us with her presence. At 3pm the doctors said that we were going to try to push, and of course I was fine with it, considering I couldn't feel anything below my waist. Luci, my sister, was in the room to begin with and she looked at me and said "I'm staying, is that ok with you?" Secretly I wanted her there so bad, but was too afraid to ask her. It has been a rough road for us, and yet we have been lucky to have had one another through all of this. I knew that Hope and Grace were there every minute with Sophia as she came into this world. I also knew that they were with their mother at that time, reminding her how much they love her. I needed Luci there, and I am glad she wanted to be there. At one point, I looked at Luci and she had her head down crying, and then I looked at my husband and he had his head down crying. I almost lost it! At that point I wanted to break down and cry too, but I held it together and looked up at the ceiling and focused. I knew that I couldn't look at them again until it was all over, because if I started to cry there wouldn't be a way to stop me.
At 3:12 my baby was here. Did I really just carry a baby for 9 months and give birth. Is this real? What a gift I was given by our Lord to experience such love! I now know that this was meant to be forever my calling...a mother. I was meant to be a mother, and I am head over heels for my daughter. I have fallen in love all over again with my husband as I watch him with her. I watch him love her, and want to take care of her as much as I do. I think I must give Sophie a million kisses a day. Granted I am new at being a mother, but once again I am meant to do this. Sophie is my life and each day I spend with her is another day I thank God for everything in my life. I feel so undeserving and so very grateful!!
Luci coming out to tell the grandparents that Sophie was here!
She was wonderful!

Proud Godparents of Sophia Dominique

We did it, she is finally here!

He is so amazing with her!
She looks nothing like me, all her daddy 
This makes me too emotional to look at. Nana, my mom, holding my baby...
when I can just imagin that it use
to be me she was holding.
This is what she does ALL day long.